[Wine-devel] DIB Engine
Sergey Novosyolov
Пт Ноя 14 18:26:15 MSK 2008
В сообщении от Friday 14 November 2008 12:43:48 Roderick Colenbrander написал:
> From reading all your mails I get the impression that Etersoft is also
> doing some work on the DIB engine. What work has Etersoft done on this
> area? It might be wise to post the code somewhere for review before the
> wrong direction is taken again and it might prevent code duplication.
> Roderick
Roderick спрашивает что Etersoft сделал по DIB Engine, предлагает опубликовать
исходники/патчи чтоб предотвратить повторное следование по неправильному пути
Мой ответ:
We have received Huw Davies and Jesse Allen gits with their versions of DIB
and continued working on it. But we're planning to change DIB Engine
structure in these cases:
1. Releasing DIB Engine functions inside GDI.
2. Releasing interactioin DIB Engine with other drivers (such as X11, PS
Today we've developed some DIB functions iwithout cnaging DIB driver
structure. The main structure of DIB is just an idea and it was not changed
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